Sushant Singh Rajput : The Ever Smiling Boy...

A highly excited boy towards his life:

Sushant Singh Rajput, the ever-smiling boy, who couldn't sleep for more than 2 hours, he had said in an interview कि २ घंटे से ज़्यादा मैं सो नहीं पाता, मेरी आँख खुल जाती है, और उसके बाद मैं  कुछ भी कर लूँ, लेकिन फिर नींद नहीं आती, he thought कुछ अज़ीब तो नहीं है, he went to a doctor, got himself checked to make sure that everything was ok and he had no health issue, और डॉक्टर ने कहा, he was just extremely hyped, he had no health issue, it was just because of overexcitement about things in general, how crazy is that एक इंसान जो जिंदगी को लेकर इतना excited है की उसे २ घंटे से ज्यादा नींद ही नहीं आती


I remember watching sushant singh rajput for the first time in पवित्र रिश्ता, मेरी माँ देखती थी, we all know, ladies in indain house hold are obsessed with tv serial और कहने को तो our generation, ख़ासकर के boys, we hate tv serials, लेकिन हमने भी कहीं न कहीं famly के साथ बैठ कर के देखे ही होते हैं, तो हम सब को आईडिया तो होता ही है, की क्या चल रहा है उस वक़्त, न मुझे पवित्र रिश्ता में ही कोई ख़ास interest था, और न सुशांत  के कॅरेक्टर मानव में, लेकिन चलते-फिरते चैनल बदलते दिख  जाता था तो आईडिया था कि क्या चल रहा है, कुछ वक़्त बीता मानव की age हो गयी बच्चे बड़े हो गए और फिर मैंने नोटिस किया कि  मानव का रोल कोई और कर रहा है, फिर भी मैंने ज्यादा ध्यान दिया नही, थोड़े दिन बाद मैंने किसी न्यूज़ चैनल पे देखा की पवित्र रिश्ता का पुराना मानव, जिसका नाम है सुशांत सिंह राजपूत(तब  पहली बार उसका नाम  पता चला), वो कहीं विदेश चला गया है, to prepair and learn about films and me having crowed mentality at that time, thought कि ये टीवी वाले कहा जमते हैं मूवीज में, यार ये टीवी में ही ठीक लगते हैं, और मिल भी गए तो साइड रोल्स ही मिलेंगे टीवी में अच्छा खासा लीड रोल में काम कर रहा था


थोड़ा और वक़्त  बीता और फिर आयी KAI PO CHE!!!!, 2013 की बात है, मैं उस वक़्त क्रिकेटर बनना चाहता था मुझे क्रिकेट के अलावा कुछ भी नहीं सूझता था, and i got to know that movie was some where related to cricket और बस इतना काफी था, मेरा इंट्रेस्ट जगाने के लिए मैंने कहा अब देखनी है, वो कहते हैं न, कि  आप जो कुछ करना चाहते हो लाइफ में उससे रिलेटेड हर चीज आपको बहुत इंट्रेस्टिंग लगती है, और ख़ास  कर के मूवीज वग़ैरह हो तो और भी , so i saw the movie and i really liked it, the songs of the movie, that i listen till now "गिरते संभलते चलते लड़खड़ाए हाँ मगर ये हौसला न डगमगाए,अरमानों की पतंग को उड़ाए।
इस मूवी के बाद मेरा नजरिया थोड़ा  सा चेंज हुआ, और उसके बाद आती है MS DHONI, and I am a crazy MS fan, I walked in as MAHI's fan and walked out as Sushant Singh Rajput fan,सिर्फ इसी एक लाइन से आप समझ सकते हो that how much influenced i was, I started following him on social media, started clicking on youtube videos that he was in which popped up in my feed, I saw this video where he was addressing IIT Bombay student and i realise that he was not just another actor, he was a very very intelligent guy. He had ranked 7TH in DCE entrance exam DTU as of now Delhi technical university one of the best engineering college in India, and he had dropped out just 6 months before completing his degree. These are not the trade of an ordinary guy सिर्फ इन दो चीजों से आप समझ सकते हो that he was an extraordinary person, you ranked 7TH in all India entrance exams और अब ६ महीने पहले dropout कर जाते हो, normal people don't do that. He was a huge science freak. कई सारे लोगों ने कहा की आप जब और एक्टर्स से बात करते हो तो they usually talk about films and acting. But if you have a conversation with Sushant, always talking about Astrophysics, Quantum physics, steroids, black hole, cosmos and what not..he had a keen interest in physics and astronomy, he was national level physics olympiad winner and he was only actor जिसके profile पे जाके मै  देखता था, की अब कुछ नया  डाला या नहीं। ..... 


Ok let me tell you few things about him, he was a great dancer, he was good in cricket he played tennis really well he was into archery he could play the guitar with one hand, he could write with both hands, he used to read Vedas, he had written poems, he could do a handstand, he had a great physique, he was into mixed martial arts he loved computer gaming so he wanted to learn coding, i mean what!!!!...why would you want to do that, you just name it and he had done it or he was doing it or he had plans to do, it's like दुनिया की कोई भी चीज नहीं छोड़ूंगा, ये चीजें तो मुझे इसलिये पता है because i had been following him for a long time .....he was the most interesting person ever, i got to know about a man could do so many things, and not just do he was good at every thing, he was a deep thinker he had his own opinion about everything.....i remember in IIFA award a Generalist asked him what is your inspiration and he just told that himself... how a person who was that much excited about his life can commit a suicide....सुशांत सिंह राजपूत उन कुछ गिने चुने लोगों में से हैं जिनसे मैंने Life lessons सीखे हैं, जिंदगी को अलग तरीके से देखने का नजरिया सीखा है, किसी और को डिप्रेशन हो सकता है मैं मान  सकता हूँ, पर sushant singh Rajput was depressd this can't be accept. Even after being such an admirer I never commented on his photos I wish I had, I think he was the only actor at that level who reply his fans, who follow back his fans...he was a true legend..... Rest in peace sir you will be missed.....

You can also watch a tribute video on Sushant Singh Rajput Sir.


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